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Our events

During the satinary crisis linked to Covid 19, we offer language events on the following days:

- Every Wednesday at 20:00 (Time in Paris):

Some of our BlaBla organizers are offering linguistic meetings via the Zoom platform, for the most popular languages.

For other languages, feel free to use our language tables as you wish

- Every Sunday at 12:00 (Time in Paris):

We do not offer any organizers for Sunday events. Feel free to use our language tables as you wish

What languages ​​can you speak?

- English

- French

- Spanish

- Italian

- German

- Arabic

- Portuguese

- Dutch

- Polish

- Russian

- Chinese

- Japanese

- Korean

- Swedish

- Turkish

Please note: 

1. To participate in our events, you must have already acquired a B1 / B2 level in the target language, to be able to participate in the discussions. Our events welcome both native people and learners.

2. Our events are not suitable for learning a new language, but for practicing a language you already know.

How to participate in our events

You must register and accept our conditions of participation.

You will receive an email with the steps to follow.
Please, follow the link: 

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