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BlaBla Language Exchange OnLine (Zone 3)

mer. 30 déc.


Zoom meetings

- Come at time - Avoid subjects that may be taboo for some people: Religions, sex, etc ... - Be courteous and polite. the links of our language tables will be shared by email, a few hours before the start of the event..

Registration is Closed
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BlaBla Language Exchange OnLine (Zone 3)
BlaBla Language Exchange OnLine (Zone 3)

Time & Location

30 déc. 2020, 21:00 UTC+2

Zoom meetings


  • BlaBla Online (Tip us)

    Language groups can be full quickly, even if you've booked. We favor small groups rather than large groups. By giving us a tip, we guarantee you a place. By giving us a tip, you help our community to self-finance.

    5,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak English

    Register here if you want to speak English ! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak French

    Inscris toi ici, si tu veux parler français ! En prenant un ticket, tu confirmes ta présence à l'événement. Les places sont limitées - Merci de ne pas vous inscrire si vous n'êtes pas certain de participer. ..................................... Register here if you want to speak French ! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak Spanish

    Regístrese aquí, si quiere hablar español! Al tomar una entrada, confirma su presencia en el evento. El espacio es limitado: no se registre si no está seguro de participar. ..................................... Register here if you want to speak Spanish ! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak Portuguese

    Cadastre-se aqui se quiser falar português! Ao tirar um ingresso, você confirma sua presença no evento. As vagas são limitadas - não se inscreva se não tiver certeza se deseja participar. ..................................... Register here if you want to speak Portuguese! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak Italian

    Registrati qui se vuoi parlare italiano! Prendendo un biglietto, confermi la tua presenza all'evento. Lo spazio è limitato - Non registrarti se non sei sicuro di partecipare. ..................................... Register here if you want to speak Italian ! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak German

    Registrieren Sie sich hier, wenn Sie Deutsch sprechen möchten! Mit einem Ticket bestätigen Sie Ihre Anwesenheit bei der Veranstaltung. Die Plätze sind begrenzt - Bitte registrieren Sie sich nicht, wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, ob Sie teilnehmen werden. ..................................... Register here if you want to speak German ! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak Dutch

    Schrijf je hier in als je Nederlands wilt spreken! Door een kaartje te nemen, bevestigt u uw aanwezigheid op het evenement. Plaatsen zijn beperkt - Registreer u niet als u niet zeker weet of u wilt deelnemen. ..................................... Register here if you want to speak Dutch ! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak Polish

    Zarejestruj się tutaj, jeśli chcesz mówić po polsku! Biorąc bilet potwierdzasz swoją obecność na wydarzeniu. Liczba miejsc jest ograniczona - nie rejestruj się, jeśli nie jesteś pewien, czy weźmiesz udział. ..................................... Register here if you want to speak Polish ! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak Russian

    Зарегистрируйтесь здесь, если хотите говорить по-русски! Взяв билет, вы подтверждаете свое присутствие на мероприятии. Количество мест ограничено - пожалуйста, не регистрируйтесь, если вы не уверены, участвовать ли. ..................................... Register here if you want to speak Russian ! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak Chinese

    如果您想说中文,请在这里注册! 通过门票,您可以确认您参加此次活动。 名额有限-如果不确定是否参加,请不要注册。 ..................................... Register here if you want to speak Chinese ! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak Japanese

    日本語を話したい方はこちらから登録してください! チケットを取ることで、あなたはイベントであなたの存在を確認します。 スペースに限りがあります-参加するかどうかわからない場合は登録しないでください。 ..................................... Register here if you want to speak Japanese! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak Korean

    한국어로 말하고 싶다면 여기에서 등록하세요! 티켓을 뽑으면 이벤트에 참석 한 것을 확인할 수 있습니다. 장소가 제한되어 있습니다. 참여할 것인지 확실하지 않은 경우 등록하지 마십시오. ..................................... Register here if you want to speak Korean ! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak Vietnamese

    Đăng ký tại đây nếu bạn muốn nói tiếng Việt! Bằng cách lấy một vé, bạn xác nhận sự hiện diện của mình tại sự kiện. Không gian có hạn - Vui lòng không đăng ký nếu bạn không chắc có nên tham gia hay không. ..................................... Register here if you want to speak Vietnamese ! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak Turkish

    Türkçe konuşmak istiyorsanız buraya kaydolun! Bir bilet alarak, etkinlikte varlığınızı onaylarsınız. Alan sınırlı - Katılıp katılmayacağınızdan emin değilseniz lütfen kayıt olmayın. ..................................... Register here if you want to speak Turkish! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Speak Arabic

    سجل هنا إذا كنت تريد التحدث باللغة العربية! بأخذ تذكرة ، فإنك تؤكد وجودك في الحدث. المساحة محدودة - يرجى عدم التسجيل إذا كنت غير متأكد من المشاركة. ..................................... Register here if you want to speak Arabic ! By taking a ticket, you confirm your presence at the event. Space is limited - Please do not register if you are unsure whether to participate.

    0,00 €
    Sale ended


0,00 €

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