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1. Premier contact en privé avec les personnes intéressées

Vous trouverez les personnes inscrites et intéressées pour devenir organisateur juste ici:

NE PAS  COPIER COLLER PAS LE MESSAGE COMME CA, il faut le personnaliser:

- Choisissez les textes à copier/coller en fonction de la situation des événements dans la ville cible.

- Changer les éléments en gras (le prénom, la ville, le lieu et l'heure, etc..)

- Laissez les étoiles pour le texte sélectionné apparaisse en gras sur What's App.

VOICI LE TEXTE DE BASE a envoyer après l'avoir personnaliser

Hi Michel, how are you?

I'm *Sandy* from the *BlaBla Language Exchange community*, I'm in charge of the online part ;)
I'm contacting you following the form you filled in to *organize BlaBla Language Exchange events in your city* :)

So if I'm right, you want to help organize events in Dublin, right?

SI EVENEMENTS DEJA EN COURS: Our events in Dublin are every Tuesday at O'Neills Irish pub, starting at 7.30pm.

SI EVENEMENTS PAS ENCORE OUVERTS: Our events in Dublin will open on Tuesday 14th March from 7.30pm. Are you available on Tuesdays?

Have you ever participated in BlaBla events or similar events? Do you know about the concept and how it's working?

SI PAR D'ORGANISATEURS: Unfortunately, our events in your cities are currently taking place without organizers, so we are trying to recreate a new team there ;)

SI DEJA DES ORGANISATEURS: We already have organizers in your city but we would like to strengthen our team there.

To put it simply, we are looking for organizers especially to welcome participants, make our events cooler, and also take photos/videos. We do not ask to come every week, but from time to time, depending on your availability.
If you're interested, I'll explain exactly how it works.

What do you think about that? By the way, can I know why do you want to organize BlaBla events? What are your motivations?

PS: For organizational reasons, I answer once or twice a day, excluding weekends. So it's normal if sometimes I take a little time to answer, don't worry :)

Friendly :)

EXEMPLE: Si quelqu'un qui s'appelle Sarah souhaite organiser des événements à Paris: Nos événements à Paris sont tous les jeudis au bar Piano Vache, à partir de 19;30. J'ai laissé les textes changées en gras pour que vous compreniez.

Hi Sarah, how are you?

I'm *Sandy* from the *BlaBla Language Exchange community*, I'm in charge of the online part ;)
I'm contacting you following the form you filled in to *organize BlaBla Language Exchange events in your city* :)

So if I'm right, you want to help organize events in Paris, right?

Our events in Paris are every Thursday at Le Piano Vache, starting at 7.30pm. Have you already participated? Do you know a little about the concept?

We already have organizers in your city but we would like to strengthen our team there.

To put it simply, we are looking for organizers especially to welcome participants, make our events cooler, and also take photos/videos. We do not ask to come every week, but from time to time, depending on your availability.
If you're interested, I'll explain exactly how it works.

What do you think about that? By the way, can I know why do you want to organize BlaBla events? What are your motivations?

PS: For organizational reasons, I answer once or twice a day, excluding weekends. So it's normal if sometimes I take a little time to answer, don't worry :)

Friendly :)

2. Si la personne est intéressée, il faut expliquer le fonctionnent de notre communauté.

TEXTE 1: Présentation de la communauté BlaBla

Great, so I'm going to explain how our big family is working, and if everything is OK for you, maybe let's go further :)

For the History part, our BlaBla Language Exchange community has been offering social and language events since 2016 in around a hundred cities around the world, on five continents. We are currently 4 people taking care of the online part of the community and about 200 active organizers (volunteer).

So, our first BlaBla Language Exchange event was born in 2016 in Hanoi (Vietnam) and was only open to French speakers, and step by step, to everyone.
Gradually, in 2017, more events were opened in Asia, Oceania, Europe, Africa and America, to the point of exceeding 100 cities. Sadly, most of our events were stopped during the Covid period and never started again. 
However, as we are very motivated, we hope to offer events in around 200 cities before the end of the year (Yeah, we are back !) :)
So, currently our mission is to extend our presence to allow as many people as possible to develop their social lives easily, and for those interested, to improve their language skills in real life.

As you can guess, the main purposes of our events is to allow people (expatriates, travelers, locals) to meet, to facilitate the arrival of newcomers in town, to make friends, and to speak foreign languages as well as the national language.
Our events generally take place in bars or cafes and are free to everyone, under certain conditions (Order at least one drink if our events take place in cafes or bars, behave well).

TEXTE 2: Etats d'esprit et idées à accepter (notamment sur l'aspect finanicer)

*Here are some important ideas to integrate and accept before continuing further*: This is the mindset of our community and the way we run things.

If that's OK with you, I'll explain in detail how our events work and what we expect from our organizers. It's OK? Feel free to take your time to read everything :)

*Mindset - Prioritizing our members over profits*
We are not a multinational, we do not deal with stock exchange, and we have no plans to go in that direction. Keeping our current community spirit alive and remain totally independent is our priorities. 
We also respect our members, we do not share or sell our people' data, and we do not spam or promote external products on our networks. 

However, to face the economic reality, be able to exist and grow, we have chosen to operate by collaborating with some cafes and bars who are kind enough to host our events and share some of their profits with us. This way allows us to exist and develop ourselves in others cities, included small cities and countries which financially are not profitable, but which humanly are interesting.
This is our way of doing things, and it's essential that you agree with our mindset. 

*How it works* 
Basically, our goal is to offer regular events (every week), on regular dates (for example every Wednesday) and in regular places in order to create habits.
The days and times of our events are defined according to the arrangements with the host establishments and/or according to the timezones. To give you an idea, all our events in America and Asia have to be on Tuesdays, our events in Africa and the Orient have to be on Thursdays, and our events in Europe can be on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
In some cities, we also offer international events on Friday evenings, but for organizational reasons, nothing on Saturday, Sunday & Monday. 

Everything is OK? If yes, let's speak about events and then, let's start ;)

3. Expliquer ce qu'on attend des organisateurs

Great, so here are the final explanations!

*Being a BlaBla organizer, what does it mean?*

Our BlaBla community works thanks to the volunteerism and kindness of our organizers who are now part of our big family. Financially, there is no advantage to join us, we cannot afford to pay you. Socially, you can gain a lot !


As an organizer, you contribute to the image of our community. Whatever your sex, your age, your experience or your job, what interests us is *your personality*. We want to share a nice and friendly image, so we focus on people who are smiling, friendly, reliable and who like our state of mind. Whether you are reserved or extroverted, polygote or not, does not matter a lot to us.

*As an organizer, your role is essentially*

- Prepare the placeholder with our logo so that people find us easily.

- WARMLY welcome the participants (and at the same time fill in a sheet with the origin of the participants so that we can create maps and attract more people and share the QR code of our What's App group)

- Explain how events work to newcomers.

- If necessary, bring your help for people who came with the idea of speaking a specific language (for example integrate a person who wishes to speak French with native French speakers).

- Take photos and/or videos with our logo (easy advertising and no need for protection), share them with us so that we can promote the events.

- Enjoy the events! Interact with people, joke and laugh, not too serious things! Above all, do not stand aside waiting for the participants.

We advise you to always offer English as the base language, as well as the local language (for example French if your events are in France) so that everyone understands each other and can talk..

You can either choose to work with language tables or zones (we pay for the printing and lamination of the logos, but not the other designs), or facilitate meetings according to people's needs on your own .

If necessary, we have ready-made designs that can help you create language zones:

You will also find the logo for your city just here:

We don't have a set blueprint to dictate how to organize BlaBla events, you are totally welcome to develop your own ideas and try it out. We like when our events differ depending on the city and are not always the same everywhere.

It is just essential to respect the freedom and choices of the participants and not to impose anything:

- No interference from organizers or advertisers (people are there to participate, not to listen)

- No audience participation

- No talking on microphones

- No forced games

- No bracelets, advertisements, distribution of flyers, gambling, etc...

PS: Depending on the cities and when it is legally possible, the establishments sometimes offer free drinks for the organizers. This is a request we make to each partnership. If they do it in your city, I will let you know later. 

Eveything is good for you? Do you like it? Want to be in? :)

4. Intégrez les membres aux groupes Admins

Happy to hear that everything is good for you, and so, welcome to our BlaBla family !! :)

I will create a What's App group with more people from our online team to help you and follow your events :)

Let's end the discussion here and let's speak there ! 

5. Management des groupes et demande de disponibilité !

1ER MESSAGE: PRESENTATION DES MEMBRES, à modifier en fonction des situations:

Hi and welcome to the admin group in PARIS

As you can see, there are other people in the group:
+33652483007 and +41791305041 are the numbers of Florian, the creator of the community. He is French and can also intervene and answer your questions if necessary.

2EME Message: Disponibilité prochain événement

Our next event will be on Tuesday 14 March at 19:30 - O'Neills Irish Pub

Will you be avaible at that time? 

Do you have more question about the organizing part as well? 

We also have a What's App group with other organizers in different cities: Feel free to join and introduce yourself there, ask for advice if you want. It is also in this group that we share the photos taken during the events. However, if you have questions about your events in your city, you will have to use your city's group (so here).

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